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Speaking Topics

Larry, Tina, Ethan, Elena and Grant are available for keynotes, workshops and seminars to small or large groups.  We can develop material for a wide range of topics related to food, farming, health, and business. We can tailor all talks to fit your schedule and will provide a Q&A period if desired.   

The Industrial Food System  

What You Don't Know *CAN* Kill You.

This presentation highlights what you need to know about the mainstream food system in the United States and how eating even the most "healthy" diet from it is harming you.
Larry Howard 

Why Training and Conditioning Isn't Enough

What Coaches and Athletes Need to Know About the Food Athletes Eat

This topic is geared to give coaches, athletes and the average fitness buff a memorable overview of the significance of diet on performance while pointing out the many pitfalls and little known coverups related to dietary advice frequently given to athletes. 
Larry Howard

Food and Faith

Have Christians Abandoned Their God-Ordained Role As Stewards of the Environment and Their Own Bodies? 

For pastors and congregations, in this presentation Larry outlines Biblical principles related to stewardship of the earth and care of the body.  He explains why and how the church at large is neglecting these critical roles and how to get back on track.
Larry Howard

Perennial Polyculture Saves the World

A Vision for the New Agriculture

Learn how balancing our use of annual monocropping with integrated perennial crop systems, pasture-based animal husbandry, silviculture and edible forest gardens can provide a sustainable system to feed the world.
Larry Howard

Where Does All That  Carbon Belong?

 The Harms of Carbon Capture and Sequestration and the Benefits of Soil Carbon Sequestration 

For anyone concerned about the effects on our environment of human-released carbon dioxide.  An eye-opening presentation that calls into question the current proposals and methods for carbon capture.  Provides a much less expensive and more effective alternative.
Ethan Howard

Food Philosophy and Why It Matters

Is there a right way to think about eating?

Yes!  In this presentation we'll look at how several harmful modes of thinking related to food and eating are harming our society and reducing our quality of life.  These thought patterns are contrasted with beliefs that bring abundance, health and regeneration.
Larry Howard


Don't hesitate to contact us

We're here to serve!

Phone: (812) 876-5023 