Chocolate + Real Food = True Love

Chocolate is the star of the show at this time of year: chocolate candy, chocolate festivals, chocolate sculptures. It’s enough to make a chocolate lover swoon; even enough to pique the interest of a non-chocolate lover.

If you’re planning to serve something sweet this Valentine’s Day, try incorporating some natural sweeteners and good fats to temper the effects of the sugar and get in some calories that aren’t as empty as eating chocolate alone.  Here are some real ingredients to look for or work into your treats.


Nothing compares to the rich taste and texture that butter adds to many a dish, especially baked goods. Even conventional nutrition sources and mainstream media are realizing the massive mistake in turning people from real butter to industrial margarine for the past several decades. Margarine was initially introduced as a healthy alternative to butter, which contains saturated fat. The message was that saturated fat caused heart disease. Long-term studies looking at these products, however, have shown that saturated fat does not contribute to heart disease; instead, it’s actually the trans-fats found in margarine that contribute to the conditions. Why should this be surprising? Head-to-head, real food is always going to defeat man-made food.

When you choose butter from grassfed cows, you also get more of the supervitamin K2, more of the anti-inflammatory butyrate, more of the cancer-fighting CLA, more of the good Omega 3 fats, and more Vitamins A and E.


Real whipped cream is a perfect topping for almost any dessert. Look for raw or minimally pasteurized cream. If you must add a sweetener to it, drizzle in a natural sweetener. Using cream from grassfed cows brings the same benefits as with the butter. When the cream is raw, you also get the added benefits of probiotics.


Eggs are another food having a recent comeback after years of demonization. In fact, eggs are a great source of nutrition. The egg whites contain protein, while the yolks hold the nutrients that are difficult to find in other foods, including folate, selenium, all the B vitamins, and choline.

While the USDA does not recognize any nutritional differences among eggs, independent studies have found that eggs from pasture-raised chickens have more Vitamins A and E, more Omega 3 fatty acids, and more beta-carotene, and less fat and cholesterol.

Pasture-raised eggs and cream are the stars of one of our favorite special treats, chocolate mousse.

Natural sweeteners

Experiment with natural sweeteners instead of refined and artificial sweeteners. They’re more tasty and offer additional nutrients along with the sweet. Try maple syrup, honey, blackstrap molasses, dates, or real stevia (not the refined stevia or processed stevia mixes available at most stores).

This Valentine’s Day and any other day you choose to share a special treat with a loved one, add some real food to the mix. It’s sure to please!


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